7 Easy DIY Potting Soil Recipes To Mix Your Own

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7 Easy Homemade DIY Potting Soil Recipes To Mix Your Own

Devising DIY potting soil is easy, and saves you money! In this post, I'll utter well-nig all the benefits, explain to each one component, and give you seven of my favorite do-it-yourself potting mix recipes. Advantageous I'll show you just how to make over your own, and store the leftovers for later.

7 Easy DIY Potting Soil Recipes To Mix Your Own

Many multiplication, the biggest cost of gardening is buying soil. Well guess what, DIY potting soil is non only more cost trenchant than buying the commercial stuff, it's besides first-rate simple to make!

No subject what type of plant you lack to get, indoors or outside, you'll find the perfect homemade potting mix recipe down the stairs.

Preparing your own will guarantee that you'Re always using the best possible mix for every one of your plants. The best part is that you can easy modify any of my recipes to create your own interlingual rendition.

Hera's what you'll obtain in that guide for how to hold potting soil…

  • Benefits Of Making Your Ain
  • Ingredients
    • Peat Moss
    • Coco Coir
    • Compost
    • Perlite
    • Coarse Sand
    • Vermiculite
    • Gypsum
    • Origin Repast
    • Garden Linden
  • DIY Recipes
    • Cactus &adenylic acid; Succulents
    • Vegetables & Herbs
    • Indoor Houseplants
    • Outdoor Container Soil
    • Outdoor Soilless Mix
    • Acidic Plant Soil
    • Seed Opening Mix
  • How To Mix Potting Begrime
  • Storing Remaining Potting Mix
  • FAQs
    • How long does potting filth inalterable?
    • What is the deviation between potting bemire and potting fuse?
    • Crapper I flux garden soil and potting coalesce?
    • Can you reuse potting soil?

Benefits Of Making Potting Mix

Although bags of potting dirty are available at retailers everywhere, there is no ground to leverage these mass-produced mixes. Making your ain potting commixture has several benefits…

  • Cheaper than buying a premade mix – Commercially produced mixes are expensive to buy, so making your own will save you money. The ingredients you need are inexpensive, and you can use them in many different homemade potting meld recipes.
  • IT's fun to mix your own – Making your own potting soil is simple and amusive. If you have children, this is an fantabulous opportunity to involve them. Intermixture tactile materials is the sort of mussy fun that the young and teen deep down will enjoy.
  • You check the ingredients – Creating your own allows you to purpose high-quality, organic ingredients. Since you choose what goes into it, you can avoid the chemicals and additives ordinarily found in many commercialised brands.
  • Combine up as very much or atomic number 3 little as you need – Qualification homespun potting blend allows you to get up only enough for the deliberate use. When you buy out the dealings stuff, you must purchase a standard volume.
  • It's fully customizable – Collecting your own mixes allows you to completely customize the formula. With a few cay ingredients, it is possible to create potting soil for a wide assortment of plant needs.

Homemade Potting Dirty Ingredients

Below I wish give you a spry verbal description of the introductory potting soil ingredients used in these recipes. That way, you'll understand what each one is for.

You should have no problem finding these organic ingredients at whatsoever garden pith, home improvement put in, or by ordination them online.

Peat Moss

Every potting coalesce recipe starts with a base ingredient, and sphagnum is a common one. It provides aeration and water retention.

It's important to bank bill that peat moss is acidic. So, unless you're growing acidic-loving plants, you'll need to contribute 1 tablespoonful of garden burnt lim to every gallon of peat to symmetrical out the pH to a neutral 7.

Also, peat is usually jammed dry (because it's much more unimportant that way), so be destined to pre-dampen IT in front using it for making potting begrime.

Peat moss potting medium ingredient

Peat moss potting medium ingredient

Coco Coir

Some other popular base ingredient, coco coir is a more property alternative to peat moss. IT is a Bi-product of coconut processing, which is why it's to a greater extent sustainable.

It's too neutral, so you don't have to worry astir acidity, and there's none deman to add any lime to it.

Coco coir usually comes in a compacted immobilize, so you'll need to break it unconnected and moisten it before use. At one time moistened, it will inflate a little too. So be trusty to add water before measuring it for your formula.


A natural means to add essential aliment to your DIY potting grease is to add compost. You can function homemade compost, mushroom compost, decomposed manure, or worm castings.

However, if you arrange choose to use your own, be certain it has been heated by rights. Otherwise it could contain bugs and weed seeds, and you don't want to add those to your mix.


If you ever wondered "what is the Caucasoid stuff in potting stain?", perlite is the answer. This is very commonly added to potting mixes to increase drain, and preclude soil crush.

Perlite too reduces the compactness of the commixture, making it lighter, and easier to wield. If you can't chance it for sale anywhere, then you can substitute with pumice instead.

Perlite potting soil ingredient

Perlite potting soil ingredient

Coarse Sand

Umteen types of plants deman a fast draining soil amalgamate, and that is where sand comes in. Non only when does it help to increase drainage, it also keeps the mix workable.

Exactly be sure that you buy out coarse sand, and non the tiptop fine binge. If IT's likewise exquisitely, it can cause soil compaction, and curb too much water. A few excellent alternatives to backbone are either turface or poultry grit.


The biggest benefit of adding vermiculite into your DIY potting mix is to help the soil retain wet, but it also reduces soil compaction.

IT should be present in most territory mixes, especially if you tend to forget to water your plants. The exceptions are mixes used for succulents or cactus plants.

Vermiculite potting mix ingredient

Vermiculite potting mix fixings


This natural soil amendment keeps the mix holey and workable, and is particularly favorable for break ascending hard surgery heavy soils.

Garden gypsum also provides calcium, which is a minor nutrient necessary for many fruiting and orchidlike plants, like vegetables.

Blood Meal

Some other cancel complementary often found in many dealings mixes is blood meal. This is an organic source of nitrogen, which promotes healthy, gilded green foliage growth.

IT's a wonderful soil amendment for annuals and perennials, and works cracking for ontogenesis prolific leafy vegetables too.

Garden Lime

Also referred to As crushed limestone, garden lime is a natural amendment that raises the ph, neutralizing acidic soils.

You should add it to any homemade potting mix recipe where you use sphagnum moss. Unless of course it's for acidic soil loving plants!

DIY Potting Bemire Recipes

Infra you will uncovering a round-up of several different do-it-yourself potting soil recipes. Choose the combined that scoop suits the needs of all of the plants you want to raise.

1. Cactus & Lush Soil

This mix provides dessert plants with structure and stability, also as the important drainage that they need.

You can buoy employment this recipe for entirely types of succulents, both indoors OR outdoors. Find the elaborated instructions for making it here.

  • 3 parts potting soil
  • 2 parts coarse sand (use 3 parts for cactus plants)
  • 1 part perlite (or pumice)

Though his stern also work for cacti, they like an even faster draining mix. So strain either my cactus soil formula, or my gamey mix for an even bettor drainage.

Succulent and cactus soil mix made from scratch

Succulent and cactus soil intermixture made from loot

2. Vegetables & Herbs Commixture

This potting soil recipe provides vegetables and herbs with everything they need in consecrate to produce tons of yummy food for us. It should only be used for out-of-door containers or garden beds.

  • 2 parts peat moss or coconut coir
  • 3 parts compost, decomposed manure, Oregon worm castings
  • 1 parting perlite
  • 1 part coarse sand
  • 1 component part vermiculite
  • 1/4 component garden gypsum
  • 1 tablespoon garden quicklime per gallon of peat (nonobligatory)

3. Houseplant Potting Soil

With evenhanded a couple of simple ingredients, this lightweight and odorless DIY potting mix is errorless for all your indoor plant needs. Say the full instructor for making houseplant soil here.

  • 2 parts pre-moistened sphagnum moss Oregon coir
  • 1 split perlite or pumice
  • 1/4 – 1/2 part vermiculite
  • 1 tablespoon ground limestone per gal (if you use peat moss)
DIY houseplant potting soil

DIY houseplant potting colly

4. Basic Outdoor Container Potting Colly

This general outside container ruffle is nutrient-lush, and provides near piss belongings capacity for your summer pots and planters. Get the full step-away-step instructions Here.

  • 2 parts peat moss or coir (pre-moistened)
  • 2 parts compost or composted manure
  • 1 part perlite
  • 1/4-1/2 parts vermiculite
  • 1 tablespoon garden lime for each gallon of peat moss

5. Exterior Soilless Potting Mix

This soilless potting blend formula bequeath allow your outdoor hanging plants with everything that they necessitate to grow with success.

IT's a lightweight and long-long-lasting media that is double-dyed for window boxes and hanging baskets.

  • 2 parts peat moss (surgery coir)
  • 2 parts vermiculite
  • 1/4 part ground limestone
  • 1/4 part super phosphate
  • 1/2 part blood meal
Homemade outdoor container soil mix

Homemade outdoor container soil mix

6. Acidic Potting Soil

This potting soil mix has a high per centum of peat moss, which is naturally acidic.

Use this formula, without amending it with garden lime, to provide a intermediate that is perfect for plants that thrive in acidic conditions.

  • 4 parts peat moss
  • 2 parts compost or composted muck
  • 1 part perlite
  • 1/4 – 1/2 part vermiculite

7. Source Starting Mix

Young seedlings are incredibly delicate, which is why they take a specialized medium to aim the very topper start.

This lightweight mix up is fast-draining, patc also providing just water retention. Get wind exactly how to make it Here.

  • 8 parts (pre-moistened) coco coir or peat moss
  • 1 part vermiculite
  • 1 part perlite or pumice stone
  • 1/4 tsp garden lime per gallon (if you use peat)
My homemade seed starting medium

My homemade seed opening medium

How To Mix Potting Soil

Making your homemade potting mix is simple. All you'll need are the ingredients, and a a few supplies that you should be able to find around your house.

Supplies Needed:

  • DIY potting soil ingredients
  • Measurement container (your "set forth")
  • Shovel operating theater trowel
  • Garden tub, lawn car, potting tray, or bucket
  • Safety mask (sol you don't breath in the detritus)
  • Water system

Don't worry too much about the method acting of measurement you choose as a "part". You can use a measuring cup, a soil scoop, Oregon a one gallon bucket – whatever is most convenient for you.

The potting mix in recipes are essentially ratios of materials. The parts are fulfilling the described rate of ingredients in these recipes.

Earlier getting started, be sure to always wear a base hit mask while handling and mixing your own potting soil.

Erstwhile you gather all of your supplies, measure each ingredient using your parting. So you can simply knock down all of the ingredients into the mixing container.

Use a trowel or shovel to stir everything together until well mixed. If the ingredients are very alcoholic, so total enough water to wash them as you exploit.

Once it's mixed up, you can use your DIY potting territory immediately, or store IT for later.

Making my own potting soil

Making my possess potting soil

Storing Leftover Homemade Potting Coalesce

One of the biggest benefits of making your own potting soil is that you can mix as a great deal or as little every bit you need at the clock. But, if you would rather whip up a bigger mint, or if you have leftovers, you can easily salt away information technology for ulterior use.

Equitable make reliable you store it in an air-tight container, so bugs can't start out into it. A five gallon bucket with a soaked fitting lid is perfect.

So you can simply place it happening a shelf in your basement, garage, or shed. Be sure to mark each bucket with the type of homemade potting land it contains, because they'll pretty much entirely feeling the same once mixed.

DIY potting soil ready to use

DIY potting soil ready to use of goods and services

DIY Potting Soil FAQs

In this incision, I'll answer some of the most frequently asked questions all but home-baked potting soil. If you fundament't find an answer to your question present, ask it in the comments below.

How long does potting soil last?

While there's really no expiration date for homemade potting filth, some of the ingredients will start to demean after a while. For unsurpassable results, exercise it within six months.

If information technology's stored some longer than that, you can ADHD more nutrients to the mix to restore it. But embody for sure to chuck out old mixes that olfactory modality unspeakable, operating room if you witness bugs or shape growing in it.

What is the difference between potting land and potting mix?

Many people use these deuce terms interchangeably, which totally is fine. Most of the metre, there is no conflict between the two terms.

But technically, "potting territory" usually substance it contains actual soil (such as compost). Where the term "potting commingle" is usually accustomed describe a medium that is soilless.

Tail I merge garden soil and potting mix?

No, information technology's ne'er a good musical theme to add garden soil into any potting commixture recipe. Garden soil contains bugs and pathogens that dismiss wreak havoc in containers, and cause all kinds of problems.

However, if you're making soil for your outdoor garden beds, then adding potting mix to it is non an issue.

Can you reuse potting soil?

No, I do not recommend ever reusing your potting bemire, homemade or otherwise. Stain can harbor diseases and bugs, which can easily be spread from one plant to another when you reuse it. So it's best to fling the used stuff into your compost bin.

Is it good to mix backbone with potting colly?

It is good to commingle sand with careful types of potting soil, but information technology depends on what typecast of implant you'll use it for. Sand helps meliorate drainage, which if selfsame important for plants that are susceptible to overwatering.

However, information technology also makes the soil dry out faster, which isn't good for plants that need to stay consistently dampish. And then, merely mix gumption with your potting soil if you wish it to dry exterior quickly.

Creating your own DIY potting soil is fun, impressible, and saves you money. Summation you can customize the ingredients, and experiment with your own homemade recipes in order to find the perfect soil mix for every one of your plants.

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Share your favorite DIY potting ground recipe in the comments on a lower floor.

7 Easy Homemade DIY Potting Soil Recipes To Mix Your Own


Source: https://getbusygardening.com/diy-potting-soil/

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