Arguably the greatest of all the Grand Theft Auto games, San Andreas is still as fresh every bit information technology was in 2004, especially with the updated graphics of the recent re-release of the game. The original 3D trilogy of GTA is the building block of the electric current iteration of the franchise, and San Andreas is the culmination of said trilogy. Information technology offers a perfect blend of open up-world exploration, cheesy humor, and over-the-top action — essence, everything Grand Theft Auto stands for.

I of the central components to its success as a Grand Theft Auto game is its fantastic characters. Every character is iconic and memorable, but what ties each character to their functioning is their dialogue. The writing for Grand Theft Car games has e'er been stellar, but there is something about San Andreas that really shines. Which are the all-time GTA San Andreas quotes?

Updated January 24, 2022 by John Charron: San Andreas is 1 of those games that defies the weight of fourth dimension. Chalk it up to nostalgia, but San Andreas is still crazy fun, despite its old school graphics and gameplay mechanics. Information technology's honestly the characters, they brand the game's story then much more lively, fifty-fifty compared to other GTA games. Props to Rockstar for not skimping on the dialogue and actors, y'all can tell the difference in terms of how each line is delivered. Few games accept as much humor and eye as San Andreas, which is why it will forever be a classic.

thirteen "The Russians Got Bigger Things To Worry About Than Your Genitals, Believe Me." – Mike Toreno

gta san andreas mike

Mike is a swell side character, and one that nicely rounds out San Andreas's nutty plot. Mike is a Chiliad-human through and through, and his bitter humour is the perfect addition to the cast of nutjobs that irritate C.J. Mike.

Voiced by James Woods, Mike is as sarcastic and pessimistic every bit ane would expect a government spook to be, but his views of America fit right in with the world of San Andreas .

12 "Don't Blame Me, Blame Society" – C.J.


C.J. might exist the snarkiest of the GTA protagonists, although it'southward hard to pick just one. C.J. is quick to shift the blame in most things, perhaps a sign of his own immaturity, but he's still pretty darn funny, even when he is blasting away rival gang members.

A part of C.J.'s rogue charm is his trend to lash out against authority figures, or in this case, society every bit a whole. This quote defines the grapheme.

11 "Brand Certain It's The Right Guy This Time!" – Helicopter Airplane pilot

gta san andreas police helicopter

The helicopter pilots ever got something to say; in each GTA game they accept a different persona going on, all united by their bloodthirsty hate for the player. They make for great fun shooting out of the sky as such.

In San Andreas, the chopper pilots are a pair of bumbling goofs, arguably the most comedic of all the pilots. This quote is uttered when they fire upon C.J. It is a agonizing yet giddy line that highlights the powder keg tone in which GTA police are portrayed.

x "You Picked The Wrong Business firm, Fool!" – Big Smoke

gta san andreas big smoke and cj

Every bit one of the central antagonists in San Andreas, Big Smoke has some of the about iconic quotes in the GTA series. When C.J. returns domicile, he finds quite a lot has inverse around the old neighborhood, least of all his friend Large Smoke who believes him to be a robber before uttering this now classic line.

Big Smoke is not the near intimidating guy, but he sure tin exist funny when an opportunity arises.

9 "Hey, Merely Like Erstwhile Times, Huh, Tommy?" – Ken Rosenberg

gta vice city ken rosenberg

The original Grand Theft Automobile trilogy was interlaced with cocky-references and crossover characters that helped build the world of GTA from the ground up. Ken Rosenberg is a central character in Vice City and a minor supporting character in San Andreas, which takes identify several years after the former game.

When caught in the midst of a shootout, Ken accidentally calls C.J. the name Tommy, the protagonist of Vice Metropolis. Old habits die hard.

8 "Ah S-t, Here We Get Once more" – C.J.

san andreas here we go again meme

This quote spawned the meme itself, and would be C.J.'s catchphrase if he ever had one. C.J. finds himself in the thick of it when he returns home to Los Santos subsequently several years away. His old gang is in abattoir and it'southward up to him to selection up the pieces.

C.J. isn't afraid to speak his mind, but he is also non i to mutter. This classic quote is iconic not only for the memes, but for encapsulating C.J.'due south personality in one swoop.

7 "Grove Street. Home." – C.J.

Screenshot from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas showing CJ in the woods.

For all the comedic tomfoolery in San Andreas, there is still a layer of seriousness that permeates the undercurrents of the game's story. C.J. abandoned his friends and family when they needed him virtually, and now he has to make amends.

C.J.'s story is one of redemption and forgiveness, both of others and of the self. C.J. can't modify the by, but he can change his future.

6 "Kid, I'grand A Hippie. The Only Thing I've Shot Is Acid." – The Truth

grand theft auto san andreas the truth

The Truth, played by Peter Fonda of all people, is ane of the funniest side characters in the game. An aged hippie who seems out of place in the world of San Andreas, The Truth actually meshes pretty well with C.J. despite their differences in the realm of violence.

This goofball quote comes later C.J. asks if Truth can shoot a gun, which he obviously cannot. Even in the mayhem of Grand Theft Auto, there is still a little sliver of room for peace and dearest.

v "I Can S-t On You From Such A Height, That You'll Think God Himself Took A Crap On You!" – Officer Tenpenny

grand theft auto san andreas tenpenny

Samuel L. Jackson nails every role he is in, but it's always extra special when he plays the antagonist. Needless to say, he kills it in the part of corrupt cop Officer Tenpenny, a cruel and manipulative police officer who causes problem for C.J. around every turn.

This quote from the scheming narc is just one of his many dandy i-liners, delivered with vigor and rage. Equally far every bit villains in Grand Theft Car go, Tenpenny is as hilarious every bit they come, fifty-fifty if he is however a malicious monster.

iv "I'm A Well-Dressed Maniac" – C.J.


At the cease of the mean solar day, Grand Theft Auto is about uber-violence and crime in America. The conclusion may fall on the player in terms of how tearing they are, but C.J. is more than willing to go along with whatsoever potential rampage.

When shooting, C.J. will shout out his threats, simply in that location is something about this ane that feels so Grand Theft Auto. Mentioning his clothes and his mania is something simply C.J. would do.

iii "I'll Have 2 Number nine'southward, A Number nine Big…" – Big Smoke


Big Smoke is a man with an appetite. Ane of the most iconic scenes occurs early in the game when the Grove Street gang are getting some fast food at the drive-thru, Big Smoke takes his time with the order and has a very specific roster he desires.

His full guild is quite the laundry list: "I'll have two number nine's, a number 9 large, a number six with extra dip, a number 7, ii number 45's, ane with cheese, and a big soda." The quote has become something of a meme and inside joke amongst fans of the game.

ii "All We Had To Do Was Follow The D-mn Train, C.J.!" – Big Fume

Big Fume has some great quotes in the game, but this i is printed onto the brains of players. One of the most infuriating missions in the game is the dreaded train chapter, in which Big Smoke and C.J. have to follow a moving railroad train with shooters atop it.

It'due south easier said than done, and typically takes a few tries even for seasoned players. After declining the mission, Big Smoke will utter these now iconic words and admonishes the player for failing. Always a bummer.

one "Are You A Professional Moron Or Merely A Gifted Amateur?" – C.J.

GTA 3 Vice City San Andreas Rockstar Games

Every GTA protagonist has some choice words to say afterwards hitting a car while driving, but C.J.'s might be the funniest. This hilarious quote feels then applicable to anyone who has to deal with foolish or pigheaded behavior on a regular basis.

Information technology'southward one of those rare video game quotes that feels like it has a place in everyday life. Fans of the game tin can find plenty of occasions to utter information technology in existent life.

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