How Much Upload Should I Have to Stream

iii min read

September x, 2021

What is a Expert Upload Speed for Alive Streaming

Observe out what upload speed you need to stream live video with rock-solid stability.

If yous want to stream live video on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, or some other platform, understanding your upload speed will help you accept the best possible experience. This guide is designed to answer common questions virtually live streaming and provide tips that tin boost functioning.

Your upload speed directly impacts the quality of your live stream. If information technology's also irksome, you'll experience buffering and lag which tin can exist frustrating for viewers.

The start footstep to figuring out how fast an internet connection should be for streaming is setting the desired video resolution that doesn't compromise quality or performance.

We always recommend anybody starting time streaming with their settings optimized for 720p 30fps and work up from there. These settings provide the best remainder between performance and quality. In well-nigh cases, 720p at 30fps will be high enough quality for your viewers to see all of the activity on your stream. In some cases, if a lot is happening on the screen, you may need to put up the quality, but you'll need to ensure your internet connection can handle it.

What is Upload Speed?

Upload speed is the rate at which your device can send data through the internet. Upload speeds are measured in megabits per second (Mbps). Faster upload speeds mean more data you tin send to platforms like Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook. Measuring your upload speeds is important for determining what settings you can accommodate for your stream.

The most of import setting you can accommodate based on your upload speed is your Bitrate settings.

How to Summate Bitrate Settings from Upload Speed

You can manually calculate which bitrate to use past taking your upload speed, converting Mbps to Kbps, and subtracting 20% from that number.

That xx% is essential because we want to ensure the bitrate you've set in your streaming software never goes over your upload speed. Otherwise, your viewers may feel dropped frames and other bug.

Recommended Upload Speed for Twitch

Twitch recommends a bitrate range of iii,000–half dozen,000 Kbps, putting your upload speed between 3.6 Mbps and 7.2 Mbps. To larn more nigh Twitch's recommendations, click here to visit their website.

Hither is a preview of the settings Twitch recommends when using the NVIDIA NVENC encoder.

If you lot are using an x264 encoder, Twitch recommends the following settings:

Recommended Upload Speed for YouTube

YouTube recommends a bitrate range of iii,000–half dozen,000 Kbps, which puts your upload speed betwixt 3.6 Mbps to 7.2 Mbps.

Bitrate on YouTube gets slightly more complicated as YouTube allows for video streaming at an extremely high quality. When it comes to live streaming, we notwithstanding recommend starting at 720p at xxx fps.

If you plan on streaming video higher than 1080p, we recommend visiting YouTube'southward website to learn more near their recommendations.

Recommended Upload Speed for Facebook

Facebook recommends a bitrate range of three,000 to 6000 kbps when streaming 1080p at 30 fps.

Similar story as higher up: in almost every case, Twitch'due south recommend bitrate settings volition perform just every bit well on other platforms like YouTube or Facebook Gaming.

Visit Facebook'south website to view their recommended settings.

If you have any questions or comments, delight let us know. Remember to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

Near Streamlabs

Founded on the conventionalities that nosotros desire to help creators brand a living do what they dear, Streamlabs provides a robust suite of features to assistance creators better appoint with their fans, grow audiences, and improve monetization. Building on this mission, Streamlabs is expanding its product with 1) Melon, our browser-based streaming studio, 2) Willow, an all-in-ane bio link tool, 3) Oslo, a video review and collaboration tool. And 4) Crossclip, the easiest way to convert Twitch clips to videos for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts.

  • streamlabs desktop
  • twitch bitrate
  • youtube bitrate

Further reading

How To Grow Your Mobile Stream

From setup to social media, we break down the acme tips on how to grow as a mobile streamer.

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Best Games to Stream on Mobile

In this article nosotros break downwardly some of the top games to stream on mobile in 2021.

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How to See Followers on Twitch

This blog mail service will show you how to discover out who has followed you on Twitch.

Dec 20, 2021

Ethan May


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